節分 Setsubun
節分Setsubun means “seasonal division,” marking the day before the start of each season according to the lunar calendar. Nowadays, the Spring Setsubun, celebrated on 3rd February, is the most popular as historically this time coincided with the lunar new year. (in 2025, lunar new year is 29th Jan)
The festival is intended to drive away evil spirits and usher in good fortune for the upcoming season.
One of the key rituals during Setsubun is mamemaki: throwing roasted “fukumame” (fortune soybeans) while shouting, “鬼は外 Oni wa soto! 福は内 Fuku wa uchi!” which means “Demons out! Good luck in!”
Additionally, people eat a number of soybeans equal to their age to ensure good health and luck. In some regions, it is also customary to eat 恵方巻 Eho-maki, a special type of sushi roll, while facing the year’s lucky direction. In 2025, the direction of good fortune is west-southwest.
Setsubun is a fun and meaningful event that combines elements of Japanese folklore, tradition, and a bit of playful chaos.
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