Bespoke Cake

Send Form

Please read information and fill in form on this page minimum 4 month before event date.

Receive quote

We will send you initial quote in 5 working days.
Price starts from £150- but it is greatly varies as each order is unique and requirement is different.
Our average 3 tiers wedding cakes price range is £600 - £900.

Discuss your reuirment

We can arrange and discuss your requirment over the e-mails

Finalise Order

Finalise all detail and payment 3 month before the event date.
Order cannot be cancelled / refunded/ changed after payment.

    Bespoke Quote Form

    The venue have 5 – 7C refrigerated space to keep cake/ingredients until serving.

    Delivery is "a day before" event date and kerbside only.
    The venue is responsible for handling cake from kerb side.

    Payment term is by 3 month before the event date.
    No cancel / refund/ change after payment

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Mobile (required)

    Cake Time (required)

    Venue Name (required)

    Venue Address in full (required) *We can deliver London Post code (N,NW, W, S, SW, E, NE, SE).

    Venue Email (required)

    Venue Phone (required)

    Strawberry short cake

    Required Portions (required)

    Cake Shape (required)

    Tires (required)

    Cream colour (same one will used both inside and outside)

    Sponge colour (same for all tiers)

    Your message (option)

    Please upload image if you have