New Staff Form

Dear New member,

Please fill in this form.
Please attach listed documents.

Passport Picture Page: 
Clear picture of your passport page with your face and detail.
Make sure to capture whole page.

Picture for staff ID:
Please send clear picture of yourself to register on our staff ID system.
No hat, No sunglasses, true likeness of yourself, shoulder up picture with light colour neutral background, look at camera (smile, no smile up to you),  please.
Picture took on your mobile is fine.

For Student Visa holder:
Please upload certificate of enrollment which shows start and end date of your course, and school term date proof.

Once form filled in, we will create e-contract and e-mail you via Adobe e-document. When you received, please review and e-sign and submit sooner, or please contact us for any question within 3 days.
Please just in case keep eye on your junk mail box as you will receive e-mail from our manager(s).
We will also inform you about your first day (and experience day)once contract signed. If you have any question, please come back to us at or you can use Bizimply app which we will send you invitation soon.

Thank you 🙂

    Title (option)

    Your First Name (s) same as official docuemnt (required)

    Your Surname same as official docuemnt (required)

    Marital Status for For Tax pourpose (required)

    Gender (Option)

    Your Email (required)

    Your UK phone number (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    Post Code (required)

    Your date of birth (required)

    Type of your visa (required)

    >If you choose other, please sate

    Passport expiery date (required)

    Visa expiery date (if you are not British, please type your passport expiery date)

    UK Emergency contact full name (required)

    UK Emergency contatc phone number (required)

    Relationship (required)

    Your National Insurance number (if you have)

    Name of your UK Bank (required)

    If you choose other, please sate

    Sort Code (required)

    Accoutn number (required)

    Your name on your bank account


    Please choose statements A, B, or C

    A - This is my first job since last 06 April and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, taxable Incapacity Benefit, State Pension or occupational Pension

    B -This is now my only job but since last 06 April I have had another job, or received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a State Pension or Occupational Pension

    C - As well as my new job, I have another job or receive a State Pension or Occupational Pension


    Do you have a Student Loan which is not fully repaid?

    YES - go to Q1, NO -go to Q3


    Q1. Are you repaying your UK Student Loan direct to the Student Loans Company by agreed monthly payments?


    Student Loan Plans
    You will have a Plan 1 Student Loan if:
    • You lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course, or
    • You lived in England or Wales and started your course before September 2012
    You will have a Plan 2 Student Loan if you lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012.

    Q2. What type of Student loan do you have

    Q3. Did you finish your studies before the last 6th April


    (Please ACCEPT) *I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the provided information is true and accurate. I authorise my employer to use my personal information and documents for necessary verifications and to share this information with relevant managers or departments as required.

    Upload Passport picture page

    Upload Picture for staff ID (required)

    Any other file you need to upload. For student visa holder, upload a certificate of enrollment which shows start and end date of your course, and school term date proof.

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