Notice / Resignation Form

Dear Member,


Thank you for your time with us.

You can give notice to your line manager, or you can use this form.


Before you submit: Please check your contract and follow the notice procedure.


On your last day: Please return all loan items in full to your line manager or the highest-ranking staff member on that day and ask them to report to us on the same day. You can also check your contract for the loan item policy.


P45: This will be available to view shortly after the last payroll on your web portal. Please save all necessary documents before this portal closes, about 30 days after your departure. Once the portal becomes unavailable and you need us to generate any document, there will be a fee to cover our administration costs.


Earned and unused holiday: If all contractual obligations and policies are followed and there are any unused paid holidays, they will be paid out on your last payroll.

    Staff ID WA

    Reporting section

    Your section

    Your position

    Your Registered First and Surname Name

    Your Email

    Resign date

    Reason for leave or any message (optional)

    Do you like to use unused holiday before your rsign date if possible?

    I understand the resing procedure.

    Thank you for filling in. Manager will send you confirmation to you as soon as possible.

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